Alex Villas Boas publica na Religions

O teólogo Alex Villas Boas da PUCPR e CITER (Portugal) publicou artigo sobre espiritualidade e saúde em tempos pandêmicos na Revista Religions. O artigo é escrito em inglês e o resumo e texto completo pode ser lido abaixo.

Spirituality and Health in Pandemic Times: Lessons from the Ancient Wisdom

Alex Villas Boas

The goal of this paper is to analyze how the historical episode of the so-called Plague of Athens between the years 430 and 426 BC seems to have been the first phenomenon classified as an epidemic by Hippocrates, and the historian Thucydides described its cultural, social, political and religious consequences. However, such a crisis generated the need for a new culture, and consequently a new theological mentality, as a cultural driver that made it possible to transform the Asclepiad Sanctuary of Kos into the first hospital in the West to integrate spirituality and science as ways to promote the healing of culture in order to achieve the ideal of health. The adopted method was a semantic analysis of the classic texts that help contextualize the Hippocratic view of the epidemic, spirituality, and health, and how these questions were received by Christianity at the time. The reception of this experience by Christianity, despite suffering some tension, also expands this Greek ideal and constitutes a true heritage of ancient wisdom that can be revisited in the time of the new pandemic, COVID-19. The perspective assumed here is interdisciplinary, putting in dialogue Theology and Health Sciences.

Texto completo aqui.

Publicado por

Lucas Duarte

Educador popular mestre em Teologia pela PUCPR, formado em Filosofia pela Faculdade de São Bento de São Paulo (2017) e Teologia pelo Instituto São Paulo de Estudos Superiores (2016). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa "Teologia Pública em contexto latino-americano". Tem experiência em Pastoral e Direitos Humanos; e pesquisa sistema carcerário em perspectiva abolicionista.

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