Public Theology in the Context of the Religious Dualization Phenomenon in Multiple Modernities

Alfredo Teixeira (CITER-UCP), Alex Villas Boas (CITER-UCP | PUCPR) and Jefferson Zeferino (PUCPR)

Abstract: This article aims to analyze the tasks of public theology concerning the religious phenomenon in a context of multiple modernities. The interaction of religion and public space may take the form of a disjunction between public and private that strengthens the rigid discourse of religious identity against a common project of society. In this context, the place of religion in the public life becomes a significant challenge for public theology. Therefore, in dialogue with the theoretical perspectives of Jürgen Habermas, David Tracy, Michel de Certeau, and Pope Francis, this text proposes a movement towards a complex and interdisciplinary approach that values a shared humanity and responsibility with the common home.

Keywords: public theology; religious dualization; common home; Jürgen Habermas; David Tracy; Michel de Certeau.

Link: Public Theology in the Context of the Religious Dualization Phenomenon in Multiple Modernities in: International Journal of Public Theology Volume 16 Issue 2 (2022) (

Pandemic Religion in Brazil—Temptation and Responsibility

Rudolf von Sinner (PUCPR)
Jefferson Zeferino (PUCPR)

Religious incidence in Brazilian public space is a widespread fact that has been gaining new visibility in pandemic times. Responsibility in liminal situations represents specific theological hermeneutics, as well as what matters for the respective religious agents. Thus, based on a bibliographical review connected to an analysis of websites, this article aims to reflect on the current Brazilian context, the challenges to doing theology in Brazil today and points to some possible responses. “Pandemic religion”, as we call it, is the synthesis of theologies and religious practices that legitimise irresponsible approaches to life, vulnerabilising the other instead of assuming care-based ethics. Firstly, we briefly describe current theological trends, followed by an analysis of the Brazilian scenario by way of three representative scenes of public religious incidence that reflect a lack of responsibility in view of the pandemic challenges caused by COVID-19. Subsequently, we look back into history for alternative responses to public health crises that required theological positioning. In a Brazilian perspective of a public theology, we finally reflect on a responsible ethics that may help respond to the current challenges, particularly for pandemic religion.

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historic district of beautiful city with aged buildings and monastery

As igrejas no espaço público – rumo a uma teologia pública com enfoque na cidadania

Proferida como conferência na I Consulta Internacional Geminada sobre Reforma – Educação – Transformação, desenvolve reflexões sobre a presença de igrejas cristãs no espaço público, especialmente no Brasil mas também com um olhar para os recentes acontecimentos no mundo. Enxerga esta presença como positiva, ambígua ou nefasta. Defende a importância da substituição de qualquer decreto fundamentalista por um discurso também racional, cujos argumentos podem ser testados e contestados e que, assim, lembrando a teoria de Habermas, tem caráter emancipatório. Retoma as distinções de Paulo Freire, quem defende uma igreja profética. Refere-se também a Hugo Assmann, quem defende uma teologia da solidariedade e da cidadania como continuação da teologia da libertação. Por fim, desenvolve, na base de uma teologia luterana, mas de modo algum exclusiva, uma teologia da cidadania pautada pela dignidade humana, a confiança, a perseverânça no meio da ambiguidade, o serviço e do ser cidadão cristão sobre dois regimentos distintos, porém não separados.

Texto completo aqui.