Fábio Py publica no International Journal of Latin American Religious

Fábio Py da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF) publicou o artigo Bolsonaro’s Brazilian Christofascism during the Easter period plagued by Covid-19 no volume 4 da International Journal of Latin American Religions . Confira abaixo o resumo da publicação e o link para o texto completo.

Bolsonaro’s Brazilian Christofascism during the Easter period plagued by Covid-19

Fábio Py


The article highlights the media actions of the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in the face of the expansion of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, Covid-19, in Brazil. For this, the Easter week of 2020 was separated when a comparative operation of Bolsonaro with the figure of Jesus Christ, in his social networks—a tip of what we call Brazilian Christofascism—was woven. Thus, precisely in the period of the celebration of the death and resurrection of the Christian Messiah, we sought to connect Bolsonaro with the figure of Jesus, placing him as the country’s savior in the posts on his social networks. For this demonstration we assume that each post would be a “scene,” which are “politically staged dramatic acts” (Rancière), in this case, media scenes. Therefore, we argue that during the period, the intellectuals of the Bolsonaro government designed seven scenes to readjust the presidential figure to Christianity for its loss of popularity for the public defense of vertical isolation.

Texto completo aqui.

Publicado por

Lucas Duarte

Educador popular mestre em Teologia pela PUCPR, formado em Filosofia pela Faculdade de São Bento de São Paulo (2017) e Teologia pelo Instituto São Paulo de Estudos Superiores (2016). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa "Teologia Pública em contexto latino-americano". Tem experiência em Pastoral e Direitos Humanos; e pesquisa sistema carcerário em perspectiva abolicionista.

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