“Power to the People?” Populism, Pluralism and Public Religion – a Global Theological and Interdisciplinary Conversation
DESCRIPTION: In this series, an international co-operation between South America, Africa and Europe, the concept and reality of populism in its respective context will be presented and discussed, in a theological and interdisciplinary perspective, with contributions from Theology, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Religious Studies and Political Science. At the centre lies the question of how to take seriously the fears, desires, needs and reservations of the population (the people), being inclusive of them as a plural subject of politics in democracy, without instrumentalizing them in a unilateral definition of who and what is to be “the people”. Beyond the common sense, there are rich theoretical and empirical contributions that dynamize the perception of populism and can suggest ways of recognizing its opportunities and dealing adequately with its dangers.
Prof. Dr Rudolf von Sinner, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), rudolf.sinner@pucpr.br
Prof. Dr. Dion A. Forster, University of Stellenbosch, dionforster@sun.ac.za
Dr Ulrich Schmiedel, University of Edinburgh, ulrich.schmiedel@ed.ac.uk
Prof. Dr Andreas Telser, Catholic Private University Linz (KU Linz), a.telser@ku-linz.at
Prof. Dr. Lukas Kaelin, KU Linz, l.kaelin@ku-linz.at
Dr Sebastian Pittl, University of Tübingen, sebastian.pittl@unituebingen.de
Para mais informações: secretaria.ppgt@pucpr.edu.br
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